Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Democrats Once Again Commit Felonies To Stop Or Cheat Elections

From The Editor: Here are a few of the desperate acts that are being committed to steal this election.

(1) In New Jersey, Republican Tom Kean Jr.'s campaign office was reportedly vandalized. A chain and padlock was placed on the front door and keys were broken off in the locks at the side entrances.

"It appears the Democrats have already resorted to Election Day dirty tricks," said Kean campaign manager Evan Kozlow, who said the "desperate ploys" will not prevent the campaign "from informing voters that Bob Menendez is under federal criminal investigation and is unfit to serve in the United States Senate."

(2) The group A.C.O.R.N. has committed voter registration fraud by turning in over 36,000 fraudulent voter registrations in Missouri. This is a Left wing group who committed fraud in 7 states in 2004.

(3) In Pennsylvania, graffiti that included a Communist-style hammer and sickle along with the name of Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., was spray-painted on an overpass and a department store outside Springfield. Weldon's campaign accused backers of Democratic challenger Joe Sestak.

"Sestak supporters have brought negative campaigning to a new low," charged Michael Puppio, chairman of the Weldon Victory Committee. "This is an affront to local residents who work so hard to keep our community clean."

(4) In Michigan, the Web site for Republican Senate candidate Mike Bouchard was shut down after being hacked. The campaign said the site has been inundated by a distributed denial of service attack that overwhelmed the server. Federal authorities were being contacted.

(5) The Michigan Republican Party filed a lawsuit against the Michigan Democratic Party in Detroit, claiming Democratic poll challengers were in unlawfully instructing voters on election procedures and other matters.

(6) In New Jersey, voters in at least seven jurisdictions attempting to vote for Kean and found their machines "locked" for Menendez, according to GOP Committee attorney Mark Sheridan, who called it a "disturbing and developing trend" emerging at the polls.

From the Editor: These are only a few of the many Leftwing measures that are being used to commit fraud and in my view a coup to take congress. Let not ye forget that the liberals are the party for all prisoners locked in jail to have voting rights.

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